
Showing posts from September, 2023
      Fun and Games on West Green Pocklington and District u3a chose to celebrate National u3a Outdoor Day by meeting on West Green on Friday 22 nd September. Members used the Table Tennis table and Basketball Hoop which are in situ, and had a go at the games Vice Chair, John Senior, had collected from the East Riding store based in Driffield. Thanks to him, many members were able to enjoy Jenga, Quoits, Boules and Croquet. Everyone also enjoyed socialising and sitting for a chat in the sunshine in such pleasant surroundings.   There were conversations about using West Green more and doing more outdoor activity. The new path was appreciated by those with mobility issues with the hope that it could be further improved and there was great interest in looking into trying to help establish a Boules Court. This might only need a lining and gravel. It was thought that the Skate Park was more for the young (at least no-one had a go this morning!) whereas a relatively low-cost Boules Cour
  Wine Appreciation Pocklington and District u3a has had five Wine Appreciation groups. What does that tell us about the members? – they are all avid seekers of the truth of course, following Pliny the Elder’s statement in the first century AD that ‘in vino veritas est’. All groups meet in each other’s homes and enjoy interesting discussions along with their tasting although there are variations. One group compares different grape varieties, another has traditional tasting notes to accompany the sampling of three reds and three whites and other groups enjoy appraising the host’s eclectic choice of wines. One group leader, John Senior, who is a wine enthusiast, says that discussion in Group 2 is often about current affairs and life in general and the troubles of the world are eased for a while by the relaxing and mellow atmosphere. Pocklington and District u3a members are keen life-long learners and there is certainly a lot to learn about wine. As in every subject, the more you